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19-Norandrostenedione Supplement Review

19 nor androstenedione is also called: 19 nor, 19 andro nor, norandro, 19 norandro, etc.

19-Norandrostenedione is a testosterone molecule that is missing the hydrogen atom in the 17th position. 19-Norandrostenedione is also missing a carbon atom in the 19th position. When the Norandrostenedione molecule is processed by the liver a hydrogen atom is added in the 17th position. The liver is unable to add the carbon atom in the 19th position. The result is a testosterone molecule missing the carbon atom. This is commonly referred to as Nor-Testosterone or Nandrolone.

Nandrolone is an anabolic product that does not demonstrate the androgenic side effects (acne, increased body-hair growth, acceleration of male pattern baldness, etc.) of most steroids. One of the many advantages of Nandrolone is only using relatively small doses. Once the Nandrolone molecule reaches the receptor sight it remains active for as many as 4 days (testosterone only stays active for about 45-60 minutes). Because the Nandrolone molecule lingers on the receptor sight, it causes a build up of active ingredients at the sight. All of these characteristics add up to a very active anabolic hormone and creates an ideal hormonal environment to support incredible muscle growth.

Users of this supplement are reporting increased muscle strength & size, increased muscle hardness, decreased body fat, improved recovery, etc.

In addition, 19-Norandrostenedione provides protection against muscle catabolism allowing for quicker recovery and less post-workout muscle soreness. 19-Norandrostenedione users are also benefiting from its lipotrophic ability to substantially reduce body fat, particularly in the abdominal region.

Note: 19-Nor is no longer legal in the U.S. - Click To Buy NorAndro Alternative Suppplement

Anabolic Bodybuilding Supplements

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Disclaimer: The information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.