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Complex Carbohydrates Definition
What Are Complex Carbohydrates?

The combination of carbohydrates and fiber. Complex carbohydrates are the carbohydrate molecules formed by the chains of three or more single sugar molecules linked together. Long chains of sugar molecules are called starches and they serve as the storage form of energy in plants. A complex carbohydrate is so-called because its fibre content remains intact. This means that its natural form has not been interfered with or changed in any way, or, if it has been processed, it is minimal. Branched complex carbohydrates called cellulose form the structural components that give plants their shape. Complex carbohydrates should be a major part of your diet; about half of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates, mostly from grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and are usually packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of slow-release blood sugar. Vegetables, breads, cereals, legumes and pasta are good examples.

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